Individual Membership includes on-line subscription to the NCAB Newsletter, discounts for workshops, NCAB annual seminar, NCAB List-serv, meetings, socials, and more.
Membership Cost: $30 per year beginning January 1st of every year. If paying by check, please make checks payable to NCAB/AALAS.
Join with a new membership or Log in to renew
If you have received your AALAS certification (ALAT, LAT, LATG, CMAR), you are eligible to receive a complimentary one (1) year NCAB membership for the current year. Please send a copy of your certification to Individual Membership at NCAB Individual Membership Committee. Your certification document must be submitted within 3 months of obtaining certification.
NCAB-AALAS will only accept certifications that have been sent from the National AALAS office.
Request your complimentary membership
If your account was migrated from our old membership management software, you'll need to reset your password in order to log in.
Use these Instructions to Reset Your Password
Please send your Individual Membership questions to NCAB Individual Membership Committee (Send emails to ncab.indi.member@ncabaalas.org).
Email a question on NCAB Individual Membership
If you are looking to renew a group of individuals on one invoice, please send an email to the NCAB Individual Membership Committee (ncab.indi.member@ncabaalas.org) and ask for assistance on how to renew a batch of individuals. We will reach out to you with instructions on how to accomplish this.